Monday, March 16, 2015

How Young People Get It Done (Older People Too)

Psalm 119:9-16

To remain true to one's "path" is probably the most difficult thing to do. I say this as I sit in a new office, starting a new path on my life's journey. I also say this as a culmination of the last 10 years (give or take) of taking the path which has just ended. Today I start anew, with new adventures and new relationships to help me along the way.

The journey hasn't been an easy one. Sometimes the trails were narrow and on the edge of a cliff, sometimes there were boulders and downed trees which blocked my way. But, through and with the help of those around me and the guidance of God I was able to overcome the difficult places and move forward.

Early on in that journey I had made the commitment to keep my travels slow, taking each step only when that step was right to take. There were times when it seemed I wasn't moving at all, but knew that those were the times when God was doing what God needed to do to clear the path ahead.

At all times and in all situations I kept one thought close to me, "I do this because it is what God wants me to do." As much as possible I kept the words of my God close to me, guarding it with my heart and keeping it safe.

As many of you know I work with 16 and 17-year olds at my full-time job in a high school. I've been doing this for 5 years now, and if those 5 years has taught me anything it's that going into the final quarter of a school year is always interesting. We run the gambit of those looking forward to higher educational opportunities to those who might not even make it past their current grade level. But, I can say that through all of their educational advancements they all hold one thing dear: friends.

I want to say the same thing goes for us older people (yes, I consider myself older). Relationships have become the thing which life revolves around. My relationship with God, my wife, my church, friends, acquaintances, and even the passers-by in my life have become very important. I have found that I enjoy taking the time to talk with the cashier at my local convenience store as much as I enjoy listening to a close friend tell me what his life's been like for the past week since we last saw each other.

It's in those relationships I see God the most. It's also in these relationships I get to be like Christ the most.

The Christ I've built my relationship with is a very personal Christ. Always with me and always ready to share in whatever I'm going through. He knows my deepest desires and has shared in the things I haven't shared with anyone else. My guess is that this same Christ is in your life.

During this Lenten time I've really made an effort to watch how other's relationships are reflected in their lives. I've watched co-workers in stores I visit, elders as they sit and talk in parks, children with their parents, strangers as they walk past one another. There's one thing I've noticed for the most part: people really don't mind being with and around other people. I think this gets to the heart of today's Psalm.

I hear the psalmist saying that we are to guard the ways of God closely and the one thing I keep seeing is how God, from the very beginning of the Bible, wanted nothing more than for the different parts of God's creation to be in relationship with one another and with God. I really think it's that simple. But, not that simple to live out. Many times in our lives we try to walk the narrow trails on the edge of the cliffs and try to move the obstacles in our way, without remembering there are so many who travel alongside us who can help us get through the difficult parts - including Jesus.

During the next few weeks as we continue our journey to the cross, let's make an effort to see God's love in everything, even the things that we find most difficult to love. Then, maybe, as we find ourselves looking for and accepting the help and guidance along our paths, we can also be a guide and help to others.