Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Slow But Sure

What2Say2Day? In my full time job I assist students in the classroom who may need the extra help doing their work. Every week I'm amazed at how this number seems to rise, and fall. There seems to be a trend to how some of our students are doing their work. They start the quarter with good intentions, giving it their best, working hard to be as successful as they can. Then, a few weeks into it we look at progress reports and it seems we have lots of students missing lots of work and we begin playing catch up. We get them caught up, and they relax (gads) after which, yes, we have to play catch up again. I notice, too, the same routine in many of the lives around me. We go full speed until we reach a burn out, discover we're buried in life, play catch up then rest; only to get bogged down again. I'm sure most of you know the story of the hare and the tortoise (if you don't know it, look it up, it has a great message). We seem to be living our lives as the hare, racing, trying to beat the tortoise, knowing we're faster and better and therefore can't be beat. We take a moment to rest when we don't even notice the tortoise, who is moving slow and steady, pass us and win the race. I'm not suggesting we move as slow as a tortoise all the time, but we need to stop moving like the hare all the time. Slow and steady always wins the race.

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