Thursday, November 14, 2013

That Moment People Stop Listening

Luke 21:5-19

I write this with a little bit of a searching heart, just a little. As some of you know, marriage equality became a reality in our state yesterday. It was a day celebrated by many who believe that the rights of humans should not be restricted because of their personal choices. It was also a day of deep pain for those who don't believe that marriages between same-sex couples should be allowed.

My heart is searching because I keep thinking that if the outcome of this law had been different, would the roles and feelings of those who support the law or not be reversed. If the law didn't pass would we be hearing cries from those who supported the law for getting rid of the lawmakers who voted against it? If the law didn't pass would those who supported the law be saying that the faith community stood in the way of justice, again?

We'll never know, will we. What we do know is that the words and actions on all sides of this issue represent how each individual feels. It's those feelings - and thoughts and ideas - which need to be respected.

The more I come to understand Christ, the more I see how he never told anyone how to choose. Instead he spoke and acted in ways that made his listeners think about if what they were doing or saying is really worthy of God's love.

Today's passage puts the readers smack dab in the middle of one of those Jesus teaching moments. Jesus warns that there will be people who will persecute his followers with all kinds of vile words and hateful actions. Our only response, according to Jesus, is to keep on telling them what you believe.

I take note that Jesus also says not to prepare our defense in advance. rather that when the time comes for us to say what we believe, it will be Christ who gives us the words. To me this means that we shouldn't have verses memorized, or words of our pastors ingrained into our hearts, but to listen for Christ's words in the moment Christ speaks them to us.

In other words, God is always speaking and Jesus has not stopped teaching. As Christians we should find a way to continue listening to God. As Christians we should find ways to get Christ's teachings to be relevant in our current societies. As Christians we need to love, regardless of differences, and find ways to be unified under that one love.

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