Thursday, March 13, 2014

On The Wind

John 3:1-17

Nicodemus is most likely my favorite bible character. The story we're told about his journey in the Gospel of John so closely relates to mine, that I cannot help but to put myself in his place.

Today's passage from John introduces Nicodemus as someone who holds a position within the current religious hierarchy and so has to come to Jesus under cover of the night. Nicodemus doesn't come to Jesus to ask questions, however, he actually comes to Jesus to proclaim that Jesus is in fact a "teacher who has come from God."

Jesus quickly notes that it is true that no one can do the things he does without it coming from God, or as he puts it, "without being born from above." This statement confuses Nicodemus and for the rest of the opening paragraph of chapter 3 we watch as Nicodemus is thrown into a tailspin of confusion, trying to ask question after question and only getting more confused with the non-answers Jesus is giving. It gets to a point where, almost comically, Jesus finally compares what's happening to floating aimlessly in the wind, which blows wherever it wants.

Sometimes things in life can feel just like that; caught in a whirlwind. We think we understand what's going on around us, but the truth is that in the moments just before things get out of control we can sense how much we're not in control.

It's in those times we need to trust in how much help we have around us. I will always be confident that God has put people on our paths who can, and will, help us through the difficulties in our life, just as much as there are people in our lives to share in our joys. I will also always have faith that God is guiding me through life's many paths and if I am able to listen, instead of question, then those paths will not be as difficult.

Nicodemus begins this new journey with many questions. In time, though, he will come to an understanding. The same is with us and it's okay to have questions. I have to say that having questions is highly encouraged, just don't get caught up in having to have the answers. Instead open yourself up to what is being said to you, then go from there.

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