Song of Solomon 2:8-13
Anytime I get to delve into the Song of Solomon, I get giddy. Only because within the Song of Solomon I find an expression of love filled with true joy; the kind of joy one feels when they fall in love as a teenager.
I still remember my first love. I was in the 11th grade, she was a high school senior. We had met at a summer camp, well, sort of. I was camping with some friends of the family, and she just so happened to be camping with a school club at the same site.
A friend of mine and I were walking along the beach when we came across a group of cute girls. It's quite accurate to call it a group because I think there were close to 15 girls, and 1 or 2 boys. It was their school's spirit club, which I later discovered was the club who went to every football game, sat by the cheerleaders, and cheered every cheer as well as made a lot of noise for the football team.
My friend and I, being 16-year old boys, thought we had hit the jackpot. We were invited to sit with them around their campfire, and was soon a part of their community. During that night one of the boys from their group had asked if he could stay in touch, so I gave him my phone number and never thought twice about it. The night after our camping weekend I got a call from one of the girls who sat around the fire, who quickly apologized for making her friend get my number because she was too shy to do it herself.
The rest is what you might expect...we talked, we met for outings in the mall and to the movies. I was already driving so I could pick her up and do things. She had a very strict father, so we didn't do much late at night, but that's ok, because to me it was good enough to be around her whenever I could.
Whenever we talked on the phone, or held hands in the mall, or cuddled in the movie theater I can honestly say I felt giddy; filled with an unknown, never before experienced, emotion that honestly confused me. Such, I think, is what the author of the Songs is trying to relate. I believe he is saying (or maybe it's a she because I don't know if a man can express love in the way it's portrayed in Songs) that love, true love, is something worthy of leaping over mountains and bounding over hills. I believe that true love makes one take notice of the blossoming trees and songs of the birds. I know that when a love is true and deep and honest it cannot help but to become your entire life.
Such, I think, is how our love for God should be.
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