I saw a video post yesterday which touched me deeply. It showed an elderly women laying on the ground, obviously unable to do more than lay there. She looked as though she was well into her 90's and had advanced Alzheimer.
Sitting next to her was her son, a man who seemed to be in his 60's. He had a bowl of something that looked like cream of wheat in his hands and was slowly feeding his mom, taking one spoonful at a time from the bowl to her mouth. She would open her mouth to take in the meal, absent-mindedly chew it, then swallow. At which time her son would give her another spoonful.
What's so great about this, you might be asking. See for yourself.

If you're not on Facebook, I apologize for your not being able to actually see this video. What the video shows is that the elder lady's son has no hands. He is sitting with his legs crossed, holding the bowl of porridge on his lap, and with the spoon firmly held between the stubs of his two wrists, he feeds his mother, one spoonful at a time - careful not to drip anything on her.
Now that's compassionate, merciful, patient, and faithful love.
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