Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Try Something New

What2Say2Day? As I read this morning's devotion (http://act.ucc.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=40521.0&dlv_id=51681) I was impressed by how timely this message is for me. I'm currently struggling with how to help the students at the high school I work at be more involved in their education.

I personally work with 11 students on a one-on-one basis, but contact more than 30 personally each day. Most of these students are good; by that I mean they do their work to the best of their ability and turn it in on time. That's really all we can ask of anyone, right. But there are a few who just don't want to do anything. It almost seems as though they have no drive, no interest, no intent on doing it.

I talk with them, as do all the other teachers. I tell them things they probably already know, as do all the other teachers. I encourage and keep things positive, as do all the other teachers. So maybe it's time to try something different.

The teenagers I work with have lives outside of school I could never imagine having. Lives filled with turmoil in homes that are broken. And yet they are all loving, caring young people. Maybe, just maybe, what they need is to be reminded they are perfect just the way they are, and no matter what they do they are doing it to the best of their abilities.

God loves unconditionally. Some people just need to be reminded of this fact more often than others. Maybe I'll try that for a while. Now that would be different.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Don't Forget The Sabbath

What2Say2Day? Let's get the negative stuff out of the way first. My body hurts, I haven't had a day off in 3 weeks, my head feel like a glob of mucus has set up camp in it, I'm tired beyond exhausted. Okay, no more whining - because this is only my fault. I've forgotten one of the most important commandments - to remember the Sabbath.

I know, I know...I give this advice often. I always say to people, "Find the time to be by yourself with God. Find a quiet place where you can just listen to God's voice." But true to my personality (of which I've been locked in to for about 50 years) I don't do everything I say.

On the other hand my "busyness" is due to the works I do. And to be perfectly honest I wouldn't trade any of the work I do for extra sleep. I remember the many stories of Jesus trying to get rest only to have it interrupted by the chance to make a relational connection (aka friend). One of the more famous ones is when he sent all his disciples away as he entered a town. He came upon a well where a woman was getting water for herself. He started a conversation, in which he was rebutted only because of his where he was from, and was able to tell this woman about the love of God.

Yes, rest is important, and I do need to find more time for it. At the same time I cannot pass up the chances to show and tell others about the love of God. So, from this point on, I'll stop whining (or try) and just make it a point to rest when I can, being sure I never pass up the opportunities to share God.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Apostellein - How's That For A New Word

What2Say2Day? I'm a word guy. I like to know words and their meanings and origins. So imagine my delight when I looked up the origin of the word "apostle" and found it came from the Greek verb apostellein which means to send away. I chuckled a little, until I let that meaning settle into my mind.

That's exactly what a ministry with Christ is meant to be - sent away. Okay, listen, I'm not being facetious; a ministry with Christ is not meant to be still, stagnant. We are called to be apostles, or those who are sent away, and take the message that God's unconditional love is here and now.

Yesterday I mentioned the way those four former fisherman found a way to live a new life by immediately following a complete stranger. Today I want to talk about why Jesus asked those twelve  people to be his disciples. Mark 313-15 gives us a brief explanation (just like everything else in Mark - brief and to the point).
"He went up the mountain and called to him those whom he wanted, and they came to him. And he appointed twelve, whom he also named apostles, to be with him, and to be sent out to proclaim the message, and to have authority to cast out demons."
We are the apostles of Christ. Don't be stagnant with his message. We're called to be sent away, so go away.
 And do it now!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


What2Say2Day? This past Sunday we took a look at a passage from the book of Mark of the bible. In Chapter 1 verses 16-20 we watch as Simon, Andrew, James and John are called to be Jesus' first disciples. I find it amazing how we see 4 people who are set in the trades passed down from their fathers, and most likely their father's fathers, get up and follow Jesus immediately.

I wonder if we could do that. Imagine that you were at work, doing what you were trained to do (by your father, mother, teacher, mentor, or whomever) as a complete stranger walks by and says "Hey, you, drop everything, forget the life you've been in. Never mind all the schooling and training you've had for the work you're doing because that no longer matters. Follow me in a different kind of work - a new life. "How many of us would go?

As I tried to convince myself I would go I suddenly realized that what Jesus is asking for isn't a commitment to a new life right there and then, but rather the commitment to taking that first step in a new life. The four brothers Jesus called didn't know Jesus, yet. And when we begin in a new life with Christ neither do we. It takes time to develop the relationships Jesus and the disciples had. What we are simply asked to do is take that first step.

That's something I know I can do.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Maybe It's The Vog

What2Say2Day? Let me start with a weather lesson. In Hawai'i we have what is called "vog" as a weather condition. It's when the wind comes up from the southeast and blows the volcanic smoke from the island of Hawai'i over the rest of the islands. The air then becomes thick with this toxin-filled smoke. The smoke makes us cough, our eyes water, nose runny, throat scratchy. It's a pollutant very similar to "smog".

Hawai'i residents put up with it as it only lasts a few days at most. We stay indoors with the air-conditioning, drink lots of water, and do as few things as possible outdoors so we don't breathe in the vog. This got me thinking...Are there other "weather conditions" in our life we tend to hide from? How many days are we willing to wait until these weather conditions blow over until it's bright and sunny enough for us to come out?

I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine about why he seemed so distant these days. He said he didn't realize he was being distant. My friend is normally talkative, telling his stories with animated humor. The last few days, however, he's been reserved, quiet, not himself. He admitted that he was going through some troubling times and began to talk about what those were.

As he began to talk about what was troubling his heart one could see the cloudiness of his soul clearing out. As he opened up more I could see the sun breaking through the darkness and soon enough we went from a possible storm to partially cloudy. Only in the sharing of his life were we able to accomplish this.

Be the Christ people are looking for, my friends. Sit and listen to those in trouble. Maybe then we can all live in a perfect tropical climate all the time.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Kung Hee Fat Choy

What2Say2Day? Yesterday was the The beginning of a new year on the Chinese calendar. It was interesting to hear a few of the traditions one should observe to be sure you have a year filled with happiness, health and prosperity. Here are a few of them along with the reasons why they are observed. Keep in mind that it's believed what happens to you on the first day of the year will set the tone for the rest of it.
  • Do not wash your hair. Washing your hair will clean off any good things your body has absorbed that day (good health)
  • Do not clean your house. This will remove anything good which has happened within your home (happy home)
  • Do not loan money. This will allow the accumulation of wealth to continue (prosperity)
This list made me wonder how I should live my life in the new year, Chines or otherwise. I agree with the idea that how we live our lives on a daily basis sets the tone for what will become our way of life. I also believe that if we take care of ourselves, provide for our families as best we can, and be careful we don't wastefully spend our money our year, and our life, will be filled with happiness, health and prosperity.

The bible also holds similar requests for us. We can find the many of the same "rules" throughout the Old and New Testament; too many to list here. Of course, if we listen to what is being said by all those rules we can see a pattern evolve. The pattern of putting God first in every decision we make, supporting and providing for our family, encourage friends and strangers to do their best, and to take care of ourselves.

In my discussions with people from all over the world I have learned many things. I will say, though, the one thing I've discovered is no matter the race, religion, sexual orientation, or abilities of human kind we are all the same. We all want peace, to be treated justly, and to live a joyous life lived with basic human freedoms. The things that divide us can be easily overcome by the embracing of our differences.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Peace From Beyond

What2Say2Day? Yesterday I took an extra day off from most electronics, sort of a Sabbath part 2. I spent the day in church and with my wife and tried my best to rid any built up stress. It worked! I feel rested and ready to face the week.

What may have helped as well is going to visit my mother-in-law's resting place. For some reason I had a very strong urge to go visit her and my father-in-law's grave site. When I got there I said hello to them, as my wife and I always do, then I spent a little private time with them to let them know I'm trying my best to provide for their daughter and to be the best husband I can.

Now, I won't pretend to be someone who can talk with the dead, but I will tell you after I said those words to them I heard a voice come back and ask if I loved her. I immediately said yes. Actually, more like YES! And the little voice in my head said that's all she needed.

Isn't that true of us all. Love is what we crave for. We'll take it in any form from anyone and that sometimes gets us in trouble, especially if that love being given has conditions. You know what I mean - "If you love me then you would..." or, "If you do this I know you love me." Love has no ifs; it has no buts it has no maybes.

Love has just that, love. The truth that I will do what I can for you as well as the truth that whatever you do for me is perfect. It's the respect to  accept that we are where we are in life. And wherever that is perfect for us. Jesus came to this world to teach us that all God wants is for us to love each other unconditionally, it really is that easy.

Friday, January 20, 2012

A New Life - Part 5

What2Say2Day? Happy Friday! Today is a good day; I'm one day removed from a Saturday. As you may or may not know Saturday is my day off from electronics inasmuch as I can be. That usually means no blog, no twits (no pun intended), minimal Facebook and email, and lots of time with my wife.

I mention this because as I read Romans 12:9-21 it's what I feel called to do; spend more time with people, especially people you love (or want to love). In this second half of Romans 12 Paul spells out very clearly how to live a new life in Christ. It might help if the items are listed, so please bear with me as I make a list:

1 Let love be genuine
2 Hate what is evil
3 Hold fast to what is good
4 Love one another with mutual affection
5 Outdo one another in showing honour
6 Do not lag in zeal
7 Be ardent in spirit
8 Serve the Lord
9 Rejoice in hope
10 Be patient in suffering
11 Persevere in prayer
12 Contribute to the needs of the saints
13 Extend hospitality to strangers
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep
16 Live in harmony with one another
17 Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly
18 Do not claim to be wiser than you are
19 Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all
20 If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all
21 Never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God
22 If your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them something to drink
23 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good
 Now that's a list! Okay, seriously, all of this is listed in that passage from Romans, but take a look at what the underlying theme is and let's redo this list. Ready...

1 Live your life in a way that is pleasing to God
2 Do more for others than you do for yourself
3 Be content with what you have (aka  stop keeping up with the Jones)
 In other words - Love God, Love each other and Love yourself. WOW! Now there's a familiar theme.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A New Life - Part D

What2Say2Day? Good day! Let's take a quick review about where we are in our look at Romans 12. Live your life for others and don't worry about keeping up with the Jones. Quick enough for you?

Today let's look at a longer passage from Romans 12; verses 3-8. "For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to think, but to think with sober judgement, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness."

Here Paul is asking everyone to remember they are a single community. Not one of us is greater than the other, and we shouldn't think we are. Rather we should understand that each of us is different and our differences are given to us by God. Some of us are better at one thing, but suck at another while others are good at those things and suck at the things we're good at. (Then again some of us suck at everything, and that's a good thing.)

None of that matters, according to Paul, because we're all in it together. We're one big community, unable to be successful at what we do without the gifts of others. All we need to do is respect our differences and allow everyone to give what they can towards the success of all. (Does that sound as confusing as Paul.)

See a pattern emerging yet? So, to recap - Live for others, don't worry about being like everyone else, and respect the differences of one another. I wonder what Paul will have to say tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A New Life - Part C

What2Say2Day? Continuing with our look at Romans 12, I would like to talk about my thoughts on verse 2. Yesterday I mentioned that Paul's message of a new life in Christ begins with pleasing God not by giving sacrifices, but by being a sacrifice. I also mentioned that pleasing God is as simple as developing and maintaining a good relationship with our Creator and creation itself; especially a good relationship with our fellow humans.

Verse 2 has Paul saying the following to both Judea-Christians and new Christians (aka Gentiles). "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect." Another WOW!

Please don't be upset with me but I want to take everything in between the first word, "Do", and whatever comes before the hyphen. In other words here's what we're left with; "Do what is good and acceptable and perfect". Now I want to reword the stuff we took out like this; "not by doing what everyone else is doing, but by becoming a new person in Christ."

It's almost apparent to me that even in the days of Paul people were more concerned about what others thought, doing what they needed to get ahead, or the accumulation of riches or power. Why else would he be concerned with people wanting to "conform". The adage "keeping up with the Jones" could be applied then as much as it can be applied now.

Paul is reminding the Christians in Rome to not worry about the accumulation of things that belong to "the world" but to instead start doing things that God wants us to do, things that are good and acceptable - and if possible, perfect. How do we do that? By living and doing for others and (again) developing a relationship with God, others and creation. Isn't that what Christ did?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A New Life - Part B

What2Say2Day? I hope you read through Romans 12 a few times and began to digest what Paul might be trying to say. And since I'm a big believer in the bible will have different messages for different people I won't even begin to try and tell you what the "true" meaning of the message is, but instead will tell you what I think and feel.

Romans 12 begins with these words, "I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." WOW! Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. Those words ring loud and never stop echoing in my mind and heart.

Sacrifices at the time of Paul was how people pleased their gods. Whether that god was Caesar or Apollo one was expected to give something to make their god happy and ensure a good life. Paul is saying to let our bodies, our entire being, everything we are be a sacrifice to our God. Imagine living your life with every decision made, every word spoken, every action performed, and every thought done to make God happy.

The question now becomes, what makes God happy? I may have mentioned this in past posts, and it's definitely worth mentioning again. God is happiest when we (humanity) are in relationship with one another and creation. God is happiest when we do for others more than we do for ourselves. God is happiest when we have respect and live in harmony with all creation. God is happiest when we are happiest.

What does this all mean? Paul is reminding us that all we're expected to do as Christians is to make our entire life and reason for existing about bettering the lives of others. Not to difficult is it?

Monday, January 16, 2012

A New Life

What2Say2Day? Our New pastor gave a very moving sermon yesterday about change. Not just change itself, but how best to react to and embrace it. He spoke on how we change all the time, and the importance of change being done to better our relationship with God first.

Change is one of the most difficult things for us to embrace, especially if it involves a new way of life. We like doing things the way we've always done it. We are comfortable in our lifestyle and honestly do everything we can to ensure things stay the same; unless the change benefits us. We accept that promotion at work without hesitation, or more duties in our life, as long as it comes with added "stuff" for us. But if that change takes away our comforts, or makes us uncomfortable we don't want any part of it.

The Apostle Paul has a few good words about change in his letter to the Romans. During the next few days I want to talk about a few of the passages (or all of them) in Romans 12. For today, though, read it, become familiar with it, and see how Paul is proposing to the Christians in Rome, both Judea-Christians and new Gentile Christians, how we should live a new life in Christ.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

One Happy Family

What2Say2Day? Yesterday I saw a post on Facebook showing 2 girls fighting another girl over a parking space. Really? It's a parking space. Get over it. I can understand getting upset if someone "takes" a spot you were waiting for. I can understand getting upset if someone parks so close to your car you can't get in, or out. I can even understand getting upset if you've been going around and around for 20 minutes only to lose a spot to someone who just got there. But to physically beat someone over a parking lot situation? I just don't get it.

This brings up a deeper seeded problem with our society. The tag line from Mother Teresa on my email account probably says it best; "Perhaps we have no peace because we have forgotten we belong to each other." People, please, take care of one another with patience and kindness. Reach out to one another with compassion. We are all connected by and through the Love of a Creator and in this way we belong to each other. What we do to or say about others affects everyone. Period.

Let's remember to be brothers and sisters of one family.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Really, Men are &#!

What2Say2Day? I want to admit, here and now, what the absolute truth about men is. We don't get it. There's something missing from our thinking process that, for some unknown reason, prevents us from completely understanding what women really want. Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying men are idiots, we just don't get it - not right away, anyway.

Along with that admission I want to also proclaim that women are the more patient, understanding, and tolerant of the human species. They somehow understand we don't get it and try their best to teach us. If a man is lucky enough he will be blessed with a woman who'll stick around long enough so that in their later years he'll one day understand.

Okay. For those of you who think I'm in trouble, I'm not. My wife has invested 16 years in my training and I get it. This post is for those couples out there who may be in a time of "re-evaluating" their relationship. So, women please know with absolute understanding that a man in love will not make decisions which will purposefully hurt you in any way. Most decisions made by men are done so as not to bring you any hurt; even those decisions which seem to look like they are "hiding" something.

And men, please understand that what a woman wants more than anything is never to be lied to. The traits women look for in a relationship most are acceptance of them for the person they are, honesty, and companionship. Seems fair enough, right.

For you women out there, men just need to be boys sometimes, let them have this once in a while and know in your heart it's you he loves. Believe in the relationship and understand he loves you. Yes, there will be times you want to choke his neck, but the silent treatment works just as good.

For the both of you I say this; support each other, grow with one another, and help the other reach their dreams while keeping yourselves grounded. Do everything you can to stay together, even if it means going through the pain of deep-seeded emotions.

Like Jesus says in John 15:12-13, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." Be friends first - maybe you can be each other's best friends...hmmmm.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


 What2Say2Day? I think this guy said it all! Follow this link to a you tube video.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Traditions

What2Say2Day? Yesterday, just as my day at job 1 was ending, I spoke with a co-worker whom I haven't seen since before our break. I like speaking with her because she's always upbeat, energetic, and generally sees the good side of life. A conversation with her always leaves me feeling positive.

I asked her how her break was which resulted in me being blessed by a story-telling which lasted 15 or 20 minutes. As she told her story I was able to smile, laugh, and chuckle along with her. She was also able to tell of a moment during her break where she finally realized that where she was in her life is where she was, and there was no turning back; not yet.

Her and her partner had come here to be in warmer weather so that muscle and bone pains he had from a bad childhood accident wouldn't be as excruciating during the winters. In the move, though, she had spent the first Christmas ever away from her parents, sister, niece and nephew and other family members. Of course there was Skype, but that's not the same.

As she told the story I watched as the twinkle in her eye faded for just a moment as she recalled the family's tradition of gathering in the home to have a bowl of "Daddy's Chili". It was in that moment I could see that she now knew she was living a new life. Her eyes soon brightened again as she continued telling of other stories involving her partner, jobs, and church. Before we all knew it the smiles and positiveness was flowing through the room again.

That made me think about what we are called to do in a life with Christ. Paul writes in the 13th chapter of his 1st letter to Corinth, "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways." When we begin living a new life in Christ we sometimes have to give up many of the things we used to do and begin new traditions. Of course, with the help of those around us and our God, the transition into a new life in Christ will become traditions we will celebrate every day.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

But, What If...

What2Say2Day? Yesterday's post on Tim Tebow and the craze surrounding his belief got me thinking about some things. Firstly, let me say that I agree with the author of yesterday's devotion in saying I don't think God would choose one team over another in such a way as to ensure their victory. That's not to say God doesn't have a favorite team, I'd be the last person to say yes or no to that one. I'm just saying God wouldn't allow special favors to be used for that purpose - or would God?

The bible is full of stories where God favors one person, or a people, and ensures their victory. Think about what happened to the Hittites, or who won the battle of David and Goliath. Think about the battle at Jericho or how Moses was able to save God's people time and time again. So, would it be unfair to say God doesn't have a favorite and maybe gives them an edge in battle?

The difference between what we read about in the bible and what people are saying about the Tebow craze is this - God's glory versus man's glory. If you ever listen to Tim Tebow speak after a game he never takes any credit for the win. All of his praise goes to God. Although, to listen to the various media people you would think it's all about Tebow. What if, just what if, God is trying to speak through Tebow and these small victories are just a way to have God's voice heard?

This is the year to begin listening. God has sent us many prophets in our history; Martin Luther King Jr, John Lennon, Mother Teresa, and a few others. What if, and this is a big if, Tim Tebow is one of them? Are we listening to what he has to say?


Monday, January 9, 2012

Copy and Paste

What2Say2Day? I read this in my devotionals today and want to repost it here. I really liked it.
Touchdown Theology

Micah 6:8

"And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." 

Reflection by Lillian Daniel

A few weeks ago, Tim Tebow's pastor, Wayne Hanson, said he knew why the Denver Broncos were 7-1 since installing Tebow as quarterback. "It's not luck," Hanson said. "Luck isn't winning six games in a row. It's favor. God's favor."

To be fair, the player himself made no such outrageous claims. But his pastor seems to have skipped a few theology classes. Surely there are other Christians praying just as hard on other teams. And what about the players of other religions?

Does that pastor really think God is sitting up in Heaven on a Barcalounger, with a beer, a bratwurst and a Bronco's jersey, handing out touchdowns? Do God and Jesus support the same team? And if not, then which team does the Holy Spirit work through?

Does Mary, the sports fan, sit glued to the heavenly television set while resentful Martha makes chicken wings and guacamole in the kitchen for the Disciples? During commercial breaks, does Jacob wrestle the angel for the remote?

My guess is that God delights in prayers of all kinds, whether they come from the cathedral, the mosque, the meeting house, the exam room, the doctor's office, the traffic jam, the homecoming dance or the football field. All prayers and praise are welcome.

But as for touchdowns, skillful surgeons, happy first dates and fast lanes, those are human affairs. God doesn't reward one player with a touchdown and curse another. God gives us the instructions on how to withstand the hard times, and how to withstand the good times, with these wise words from Micah:  do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.


God, let my successes bring glory to you and to others. Let my failures prepare me for whatever is next. Don't allow either one to define me. Or you, for that matter. Amen.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New and Improved

What2Say2Day? Today we celebrate the baptism of Jesus Christ. As we read the story in the Gospels we all note that Jesus was quite the adult when he was baptized. Most scholars believe he was 30 years old at this time. The baptism a;so signifies the official beginning of his ministry. There are varied ways to baptize someone into the community of faith and every religion, or non-religion, gas a way to baptize.

Baptism is a ceremonial action used to initiate someone into a particular group. Think of all the baptisms you've had over the years. Some of these may include making friends on your first day at a new school or getting your name tag at a new job. It may include the day your partner declared their love for you or the night your child offered to pay for dinner. There are many types of baptism for many kinds of reasons and they all have two things in common. They are done in community and they signify entering into a new life. 

In our reading today from Mark 1:4-11 we see the same combination of community and new life. Jesus is baptized in front of a crowd and his ministry begins. No longer is he the son of a carpenter, no longer is he Mary's child, no longer is he that boy from Nazareth. Jesus is now ready to live what has been his purpose all along; the life of the Son of God.

In this, and in Jesus, God is pleased. My belief is that God loves us regardless of who or what we are. Of course, love isn't the same as like and I think sometimes God doesn't like some of the choices we make. As I finish this writing I want you to think of a few things...

If we are pleased every time something goes right in our lives, don't you think God is pleased as well? And if we can make better choices to help things in our life to go better, don't you think God wants to be there to help? And if God wants to help us make better choices in our life, don't you think God would surround us with people to help us live out our choices?

Try this today for a new life -  Love God, Love others and Love yourself. Let's call the decision you make today to do these things your baptism.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sign?! What Sign?!

What2Say2Day? I was going to work this morning and watched a lady walk down the sidewalk as I was waiting for the traffic light to change. Of course I'm sitting in immense traffic so I wasn't planning to move for at least 2 or 3 light changes. As I watched this lady walk I looked ahead to see where she was going and noticed there was some construction going on which actually blocked the sidewalk. So, as she came across a sign that actually said "Construction Ahead Cross Here" and was meant to guide her to the other side of the road, she just walked past it.

As she continued down the path which brought her closer to the construction area she reached the part of the sidewalk that was blocked off by a red temporary fence. On the fence was a sign which said "Danger Do Not Enter". I watched in amazement as the lady stopped, read the sign, then stepped off the curb into oncoming traffic. As the car entering the lane swerved to miss her it honked its horn, she literally threw a fist in the air, seemingly irritated that she had been honked at.

Maybe it's just me, but I see examples of this type of obliviousness all the time. When I was in retail we used to joke that even if we had a 6-foot blinking pink neon sign saying we don't have a certain item, someone would still ask if we had that item in stock. People, and that includes me sometimes, don't see, pay attention to, notice, or adhere to signs. period.

Unfortunately the same lack of attentiveness is applied to spiritual signs. God gives us signs all day long, every day. God's signs are in the songs of the birds, the splash of the ocean, and the rustling of the trees. God's signs are in the smiles of those you pass by, the sincere greeting of a friend, the holding open of a door by a stranger and the thank you of a sales clerk. God's signs are in those who fight for justice and the fair treatment of all, in the homeless family sitting outdoors in the coldness of a winter night, in the cry of a child who hasn't eaten in a couple of days, and in the man who asks for spare change on the street corner.

God's signs are in everything and everyone. God's sign is creation itself. Let's begin to notice those signs, follow them, and adhere to them. Maybe we won't have a need to "step off the curb" of the path we're on if we can just acknowledge God's signs.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Do You Remember Yours?

What2Say2Day? I'm beginning to prepare for this Sunday's Youth Talks (aka Sunday School) and am taking a look at baptism as it pertains to the Christian faith. Some of you may know tomorrow is the Epiphany, the day Christians celebrate the coming of the Magi to proclaim Jesus is born for the entire world. It also signifies the end of Christmastime (sad, but not really because Christmas is everyday...remember?)

The Sunday following Epiphany is known as the Baptism of Christ Sunday. The story we're using comes from Mark 1:4-11 where Jesus comes across John the Baptizer and gets dunked in the Jordan River (the passage does a far better job at telling the story). Then, as Jesus is being lifted out of the water we here God's voice as it proclaims, "You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.".

The focus of our Youth Talks will be whether or not we remember our baptism. And, if we were baptized as a baby, do we know the promises made for us when we were baptized. Chances are if you were baptized as a baby you won't know what these are or remember a thing. Yet, I see parents everyday in church trying their best to live out the words they pledged before God and the Church universal. I personally applaud these parents for the great sacrifices they make on behalf of their children - Thank you!

So, what exactly are those promises made on your behalf? That's your assignment for today. Talk to your parents, grandparents, an elder, a cousin, anyone who may have been there that day and ask them. Or, if you've been to a baptism recently recall the words and promises made. Then, ask yourself this question: Am I now prepared to live out these promises on my own?

I think you are, with the help of God.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Vacation is Officially Over...YAY!

What2Say2Day? Today I go back to my full time job of assisting students in the class room. And I'm happy! I miss the kids I work with. I miss sitting with them and talking about their day, weekends or what happened last night. I truly can't wait to hear what happened over the holiday break.

Will all the stories be good and filled with joy? Probably Not. But that is what I look forward to most; being there to listen to them and letting them know that I have love for them no matter what. And so does my God.

The word listen appears over 400 times in the NRSV of the bible, and not all of those listening times are of good news. But still the people in those stories listen. Listening should not be confused with hearing. We hear all kinds of things during the day; cars, birds, music, leaves rustling. Listening is a skill where we pay attention and process what we hear.

Do you hear your children or listen to them? Do you hear your partner in life, or do you listen? Do you hear or do you listen to God? Today, I get to listen to God through the youth and teachers I work with. That makes me really happy!

Who do you get to listen to today?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back Pains for God

What2Say2Day? This post is later in the day than normal and that's a good thing. The church I serve as the youth and young adults leader is going to attempt building a dedicated library space for the children's program at one of our local homeless shelters. Today was the day to pick up the lumber - heavy work. As I was doing this work, though, my mind kept thinking about Jesus' words in Matthew 25:40, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

Yes, the work was difficult (especially at my age) but worth it, especially knowing who the work was being done for. And that was the phrase that stuck - who the work was being done for. Okay, so we're building a space for children to read and/or be read to; so is the work being done for the children? And we're putting the library in a homeless shelter, so that must be who the work is being done for, right?

Maybe because the work is being sponsored by the youth and young adults that's who this project is for, or because it's being built by varying members in our church we should say the work is being done for them. So many to choose from and give credit to, but which one deserves it most?

Thinking about it the whole day I finally think I have the answer. The work being done by all these people is for...God. Yes, God. That's what Jesus' point is in the telling of that story. In everything we do, whether alone or in community, big or small, light or heavy, we do it for God. Keep that in mind the next time you help someone; no matter what you do.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

What2Say2Day? This is a day late, but I made a promise to be electronically disconnected yesterday, and so I was. I spent the day in church talking to our youth and families, visiting my wife's family, spending an evening with mine, eating too much food, and being with my wife - in other words doing all my favorite things. Some people say that how your first few days go in the New Year so will the rest of your year will go. If that's true then my year will be filled with God, family, friends and good times.

I'm sure there will be challenges, there always is, but God and the relationships in my life will get me through them. My wife's first words to me after "Happy New Year" was "remember to hold on to each other". This year my focus will be on just that; holding on to those we love and reassuring them it's okay to hold on to me. Mother Teresa says it best when she said, "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten we belong to each other."

Let 2012 be the year we remember we belong to each other.