What2Say2Day? As I read this morning's devotion (http://act.ucc.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=40521.0&dlv_id=51681) I was impressed by how timely this message is for me. I'm currently struggling with how to help the students at the high school I work at be more involved in their education.
I personally work with 11 students on a one-on-one basis, but contact more than 30 personally each day. Most of these students are good; by that I mean they do their work to the best of their ability and turn it in on time. That's really all we can ask of anyone, right. But there are a few who just don't want to do anything. It almost seems as though they have no drive, no interest, no intent on doing it.
I talk with them, as do all the other teachers. I tell them things they probably already know, as do all the other teachers. I encourage and keep things positive, as do all the other teachers. So maybe it's time to try something different.
The teenagers I work with have lives outside of school I could never imagine having. Lives filled with turmoil in homes that are broken. And yet they are all loving, caring young people. Maybe, just maybe, what they need is to be reminded they are perfect just the way they are, and no matter what they do they are doing it to the best of their abilities.
God loves unconditionally. Some people just need to be reminded of this fact more often than others. Maybe I'll try that for a while. Now that would be different.
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