Friday, February 3, 2012

A New Way - Part B

What2Say2Day? Yesterday we explored the postmodern child and discovered they live in a world where words and actions influence them in such a way that they have developed, or are developing, an ethic of creating "rules" which govern their lives in such a way as to ensure they are happy; never mind everyone else. The postmodern culture of "whats-in-it-for-me" and "why should I bother if it's not about me" is creating a community, or non-community, of individuals.

So, as educators what can we do? As a true educator I came up with an acronym to help us out. Just keep it REAL.

R - Relational. Even in a society of individuals humans crave relationship. These relationships need to be based on honesty, trust and integrity. If we are to be a part of the child's society we must first be their friend. I'm talking about a true friend; one who supports as well as one who let's them know when things are not right.

E - Experiential. I first heard this word in my Christian Education class (Thank you Dr. Brokenleg for everything your teachings have opened my heart to). Today's child is bombarded with multimedia. Their senses are being attacked from every angle by everything. We need to be in this world as well. Show and Tell is back; actually it's more like tell and show, then tell again. Today's child wants to know what we're doing and why we're doing it before they actually do it. Then, after it's been done, they want to talk about their experiences.

A - Applicable. Remember, if whatever you're doing doesn't seem to have an impact, immediate or future, on their lives they just won't care about it. Show them how it applies. Math is more than numbers, it's problem solving...English is more than reading and writing, it's effective communication...History is more than obscure names doing obscure things in obscure places a million years ago, it's how decisions we make in this world make us who we are today and into the future.

L - Likeable. It has to be fun! Play games, make them laugh, tell them personal stories, get them involved, validate their words and actions, just have fun.

For those of us who want to go the extra steps I want to add 2 more letters to our acronym. REALLY.

L - Love! Care about our children. They need to be loved. Not only are our children living in a postmodern culture, so are the adults. Nothing hurts a child more than when their parents take them to all their activities only to complain about not having enough time to do things for themselves.Spend time with our children, get involved in their lives, talk with them and listen to them.

Y - Yahweh. This one honestly incorporates all of the above. Be the Christ others are looking for. That's all I got to say about that.

There it is, all laid out for us and ready to go, right. None of this is easy, it takes a willingness on our part to change for others. That idea is counter cultural in a postmodern world. Maybe that's what we need, though; counterculturism (I think I just invented a word).

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