Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's (Not) All About Me

Today is Independence Day in the US and contrary to some beliefs otherwise Hawaii is part of the US, so today we celebrate this national holiday. I contemplated taking the day off, but after reading today's passage from 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 I've decided otherwise.

It's confession time...Last night I used a swear word in anger for the first time in several years. I've used swear words on occasion out of frustration or to make a point (sometimes I have to when working with high school students), but it's been several years since I've used it in actual anger. I detest swearing, as anyone who knows me will tell you, and I very rarely anger, which the same people will also tell you. So for the two things to happen at the same time actually means I was pushed into a corner over a ledge and felt the need to push back.

As soon as I said the words, though, I knew what I had done was wrong, and I felt absolutely disappointed in myself. After I cooled down and apologized to everyone within hearing distance of the words I had said I began to think about why I was so upset. At first I began to wonder if it was because my pride had been hurt but soon realized it wasn't about me.

Let me back up a little and start the story in the beginning. The night before at my sales job I helped a family choose a wireless plan that best fit their needs. We looked at all the different carriers and their plans and phones and came to an honest decision about what was best for the family. As the sale was winding down my co-worker recognized the family I was working with as one he talked to over a month ago and decided to interrupt us and tried to redirect them into a plan that would cost them more money based on how they would actually use the phones. He began arguing with me in front of the customers, trying to "lay claim" to them as "his" customers. He eventually stopped, and the customers left happy. 

Now to last night. As soon as I walked in to work he continued from the night before, actually accusing me of taking "his" customers and how I did the wrong thing by not putting them on the more expensive plans because I could have made more money. I asked him to stop, and he didn't. I walked away, and he followed. I repeated for him to stop as I walked away and he continued to push the issue. That's when I lost it.

This morning, as I read from Paul's second letter to the church at Corinth I began to realize why I angered; I didn't like the injustice being shown by my coworker to that family. His boasting got the best of me and I reacted; albeit in a way I should not have. It brings me some relief, though, to remember that even Jesus turned over a few tables to show his anger at injustice.

Today we celebrate our independence as a nation from the forces which suppressed our freedoms as a people. Somewhere in the past 220 (or so) years we somehow transitioned from a people living with freedom to persons expecting to be able to do whatever we want. The two are not the same thing. On this day, and everyday from this point forward, let's do our best to do what's best for those around us. After all, it's not about us, it's about them.

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