The final stage of jet lag hit me hard yesterday. I was good, really good, until 7:00 pm, then it was lights out until 6:00 am this morning. I also had a difficult morning yesterday. I did dance and clap to some great songs of praise but I have to be honest it was more on the inside than the outside. Physically I had no strength. I guess as we age our bodies take a little longer to adjust to switching time zones. I'm not sure if that's a fact, maybe I can look it up later.
Another thing that happens as we age is we take a look at where our life has been and where it still has time to go. The older we get the more we feel like our life has to have a meaning. We want to know if what our lives are saying about us is enough. What is it we will leave behind for others? It seems I'm doing a lot of that kind of thinking these past few days, wondering where it is I am from, and to whom it is I belong.
Paul talks about this same thing in Ephesians 1:3-14 except that it's about the meaning of Jesus' life and what is left behind by him. Paul reminds us is that because of the sacrifices Jesus made we have redemption from all that separates us from one another, ourselves, and God.
Because I'm a "word guy" and I like to know what words mean in given situations I looked up the Greek word used for redemption in this passage. Apolytrōsis is a liberation procured by the payment of a ransom. Well, that only brings up a new question, doesn't it; what is a ransom? The Greek word used by Paul in other places to mean ransom is antylitron, or that which is given in exchange for something else.
This brings us to yet another question, doesn't it. What did Jesus offer in way of liberating us from that which separates us from our relationships? The answer there is quite simple, but not so simple to understand. Jesus gave his life for us, in order that we may no longer worry about the things which cause us to divide as a people. Jesus gave his life for us so that we wouldn't have to worry about the things that divide us from God. Jesus gave his life as a payment for all that was, is, and will be wrong in this world.
Once we understand and accept that we no longer have to worry about the things which keep us apart from our relationships with God, others, and self we will be able to live lives filled with peace and joy. That is Paul's message for today, dear friends; stop worrying about that which Jesus has already made good. When you do you will see hope fulfilled - a hope made possible through the Love of God and the sacrifices of Jesus.
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