James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a
There it is. Right smack dab (do people still say smack dab) in the middle of today's passage. I read it, and said to myself, "and there it is."
As I read the passage my thoughts went first to wisdom coming to us without partiality. You know; equal justice for all. As I read further, though, I saw the most interesting verse that really speaks to why things are the way they are.
Verse 4:1 - Those conflicts and disputes among you, where do they come from? Do they not come from your cravings that are at war within you?
Yep, there it is. I'll say this as plainly as I can - until you can face and fix your inner turmoils you will not be able to sustain a life filled with peace. In our church's youth and young adult's group we talk constantly about the three types of love which are needed in our lives. The accomplishment of these three types of love takes an investment of time and commitment that needs to come from within. It's a personal choice to want to love.
The three kinds of love of which I'm speaking is with God, each other, and ourselves. Most of us can achieve the first two. Where we fall short, for the most part, is in loving ourselves. What helps me is knowing that there are people all around me who love me just as I am. It also helps me to know there is a God who accepts me unconditionally. Therefore it only makes sense I love myself; or at least try to.
My friends, the relationship between you and you is the most difficult relationship to be successful at. Only because you know each and every flaw you have and you are most likely afraid to face those flaws. God reminds us that there is no reason to be afraid because with God's help we can overcome those flaws, one at a time, slowly but surely, until one day you will notice an inner peace.
James says it best in the verse just before the one highlited in today's passage - "a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace." I would add, even and especially when that peace is made with yourself.
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