One of my favorite childhood memories is playing "This Little Piggie" with just about anyone who would play. You know the game; someone grabs your big toe and says, "This little piggie went to market", then captures the toe next to your big one and says, "and this little piggie stayed home." The game would continue until the tiniest toe was gently pinched between two fingers and the words, "and this little piggie went wee, wee, wee all the way home." were squealed in playful teasing. At this point a grouping of fingertips would travel up your leg and land on your ribs, tickling you until you couldn't help burst into hysterical laughter.

I also remember the pure joy I felt when the wee, wee, wee's were finally squealed because I knew a good tickling was soon to follow. However, what I honestly remember most is the look on the face of the person reciting the travels of the 5 little piggies and their anticipation of finally being able to squeal and tickle; bringing the joyful sound of a child's laughter into the room.
Such joy. Such simple joy.
This week in Advent we celebrate that feeling of joy. The joy promised to us by God that when we finally learn to live as God intended - in harmony as one people, under one love - we will fully understand. Like our Psalmist says today, "When the Lord changed Zion’s circumstances for the better, it was like we had been dreaming. Our mouths were suddenly filled with laughter; our tongues were filled with joyful shouts.
When a life lived with the love of God finally comes to realization, We will know such joy.
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